Hello, my name is Jonathan Silva:
a racer turned Rabbit Savior!
My main mission is to build tools and resources for the rabbit and veterinary world which will enable them to grow. V.E.T. was born when I was thinking of ways to help solve the problems hindering vet clinics, and pet parents. Problems like: lowering the cost of spays and neuters, purchasing or upgrading new equipment, hiring more staff, and assisting clients who are faced with the question of paying a high vet bill or having to say goodbye to their family member. These are just a few of the issues I hear from veterinarians every single day, but their biggest complaint is the lack of funding available.
This is when it hit me: by using my expertise and professional contacts from my previous industry, I can connect the veterinary network worldwide, set up a give-back program, and decrease the high percentages clinics pay to large companies when processing payments. This not only saves money, it gives it back. We tested this theory with a well-known exotic veterinary clinic in Pasadena, CA. Through our case study, we discovered that with a combination of V.E.T. and P.E.T.S., we could save them a significant amount of money.
My love of rabbits starts at home. I adopted a pair of rabbits from a local rescue, and they now roam free in my home - and they are the reason Rabbit Savior and V.E.T. exist today.
Every morning I wake up, I tell them, "your dad works hard every single day to make sure you, and all your bunny brothers, sisters, and cousins around the world will have better lives for years to come!"